Management Report – October 2017

Management Reports|

Planning and Development: Planning. The department is currently working on completion of the Highway 20 Corridor Study. Draft recommendations will be available to the public in mid to late October. A final public meeting will be scheduled before the end of the year prior to the Mayor and Council considering adoption of the development strategy. …... Read More Management Report – October 2017

Management Report – August 2017

Management Reports|

Planning and Development: Planning. The department welcomed a new team member. Randy Warren will serve in the capacity of City Planner. Randy has degrees from the University of Georgia and Georgia State University and has an extensive background in local government planning and development. He recently retired from Gwinnett County where he worked in Planning …... Read More Management Report – August 2017

Management Report – July 2017

Management Reports|

Planning and Development: Planning. Background work on a study of the Highway 20 corridor continues.  A draft market analysis and vision narrative as well as land use and urban design analysis diagrams will be ready for public response in July. These planning documents are the result of an extensive research and data analysis process and …... Read More Management Report – July 2017

Management Report – May 2017

Management Reports|

Planning and Development: Permits. Twenty-eight single family home permits were issued for the month of April with an average square footage of 3,131 and six multi-family home permits were issued with an average of 2,460 square feet. Year to date, there has been a 19% overall increase in residential permits issued as compared to 2016. …... Read More Management Report – May 2017

Management Report – April 2017

Management Reports|

Planning and Development: Development Studies. Studies are underway which will be used to help us articulate a vision for the future of use and development of land along the Buford Highway and Highway 20 corridors. A public work shop was hosted by the city on March 29th to gain insight from the community on issues …... Read More Management Report – April 2017

Management Report – March 2017

Management Reports|

Planning and Development: Development Studies. A market analysis of the Buford Highway corridor is complete and will allow us to assess the development potential of key real estate categories in the area. In coming weeks, planning staff will be working on initial recommendations for the Mayor and City Council to consider going through the process …... Read More Management Report – March 2017

Management Report – February 2017

Management Reports|

Planning and Development: Development Studies. The Highway 20 market analysis is well underway and a first draft is expected within the coming weeks. The next step in the process will be to begin looking at areas with strong development potential for a more detailed study along with scheduling public involvement in the plan development process. …... Read More Management Report – February 2017

Management Report – January 2017

Management Reports|

Planning and Development: Development Studies. The research and data phase of the Buford Highway study is complete. Staff is synthesizing all data and is working to assemble a summary report in preparation to present all findings and recommendations to the Mayor and Council next month. While staff was working on the final details of the …... Read More Management Report – January 2017

Management Report – December 12, 2016

Management Reports|

Planning and Development: Development Studies.Two very important planning studies are under way. Bleakly Advisory Group is performing research and analysis on demographic and market patterns along the Buford Highway and Highway 20 Corridors. Planning staff is preparing to present the findings to the Mayor and Council from the Buford Highway study within the next couple …... Read More Management Report – December 12, 2016

Management Report – November 14, 2016

Management Reports|

Planning and Development: Planning staff has engaged Bleakly Advisory Group to study market and demographic conditions along the Buford Highway corridor. The information gathered through this effort will help us develop a vision for how to facilitate appropriate development along the corridor guiding policy decisions and helping us to make long term plans that will …... Read More Management Report – November 14, 2016

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