Meeting Minutes




07:00 PM

Meeting Location:

City Hall Community Room

Agenda Files:

Sugar Hill Historic Preservation Society Meeting
Monday, March 21

Members in Attendance: Haley Tolbert, Alynne Grace, Brandon Hembree, Karen Harrison, Rachel Schmalz, Chris Walker, Joann Burel, Scott Andrews

Non-member attendees: Margaret Neal, Erin Stachowiak, June

  • Congrats to Joann & Chris for being appointed to the board
  • Debrief from historic training in Athens
  • Society vs. Commission – IRS thinks we are a commission. City says we are a society. We can not be a non-profit under the city as a commission
  • Do we need to be a non-profit?
  • Does the money carry over from year to year?
    • Who can we verify this with?
    • Brandon to find out
  • Charter Day
    • Photo booth, community room open, scavenger hunt, no table, meet in community room as soon as you can get here, event starts at 6:00 p.m. ends at 8:00 p.m., Brandon to make a flyer, #SweetHistory
  • Scott & Brandon to look into making us admins on the FB page
  • Wine & Shine in October
    • City is asking for $5,000 from society to help with the event
    • We can decide how we want to participate
    • Will be going on at the same time as Sugar Rush
    • Do we want to proceed?
  • How do we want to spend our money?
    • Oral histories
    • Tablet – the city can buy using our money.
    • Camera
    • Wine & Shine
  • Non-profit packet coming from the IRS mailed to the City
  • Idea for classrooms to collect oral histories we give them $100 to complete the assignment and then we get tapes and archive the info. Could be some sort of competition.
  • Next meeting April 18
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