Meeting Minutes Planning Commission




06:45 PM

Meeting Location:

Council Chamber

Agenda Files:

Present were: Vice Chairman Barry Pullen, Commission Members Rosemary Walsh, Jeremy White and Julie Adams. Also present were Planning Director Kaipo Awana, Planner Susan Puri, Planning Technician Kimberly B. Landers, and City Attorney Frank Hartley and Lee Thompson. Absent: Chairman Todd Herion.

CALL TO ORDER at 7:00 pm by Vice Chairman Barry Pullen.

PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG led by Vice Chairman Barry Pullen.

Commission Member Rosemary Walsh made a motion to approve the agenda. Commission Member Julie Adams made the second. Approved 4-0.

Approval of the May 16, 2016 minutes as written.
Commission Member Julie Adams made a motion to approve the May 16, 2016 minutes as written. Commission Member Jeremy White made the second. Approved 4-0.


1. PUBLIC HEARING RZ-16-002 – Bellagio Properties is requesting a Change in Conditions to allow a 36,170 square foot grocery store for the properties located at 5769, 6001, & 5711 Cumming Highway, and 5705 Old Cumming Road, also known as Tax Parcel ID’s: 7-339-068, 069, 071 & 7-320-015 & 015A.
Planner Susan Puri went over staff recommended conditions for this project. The Public Hearing was opened and Nick Thompson, applicant representative, and Yomi Sanya, Lidl Owner Representative, spoke on behalf of this request. Ms. Sanya expressed her concerns with staff conditions as written. There were no other public comments. The Public Hearing was closed. Commission Member Rosemary Walsh made a motion to approve this request as recommended by staff. Commission Member Julie Adams made the second. 2 for (Rosemary Walsh, Julie Adams), 2 against (Barry Pullen, Jeremy White), no action was taken. Commission Member Jeremy White made a motion to remove all previous conditions and replace as written by staff for conditions number 1-3, and number 5, and requested to change number 4 (first sentence) to read: “The maximum stucco material allowed is to be 25% per façade,” and leave the remainder of the condition number 4 as written by staff. Commission Member Rosemary Walsh made the second. Approved 4-0.


1. PUBLIC HEARING RZ-16-003 – Licet E. Naranjo is requesting to rezone 2 acres at 4719 East Broad Street from LM to HM-1 for Equipment Storage and future Contractors Office. To be tabled, application was revised after advertised.
Planning Director Kaipo Awana indicated that the applicant had to make some changes to the application once they submitted and the applicant has requested to table this request until the July meeting. Commission Member Rosemary Walsh made a motion to approve tabling this request. Commission Member Jeremy White made the second. Approved to table, 4-0.

2. PUBLIC HEARING AX-16-004 – MTI Whirlpools Inc. is requesting to annex 1.52 Acres at 612 North Price Road with a zoning classification of HM-1 for future expansion.
Planner Susan Puri went over the staff recommendation for approval. The Public Hearing was opened. Ryan Whitinger applicant representative spoke on behalf of this request. Matt Pranter also spoke on behalf of this request. Adjacent property owner Tony Anglin expressed his concerns with traffic congestion and large trucks entering and exiting the complex across from his property. There were no other public comments. The Public Hearing was closed. Commission Member Rosemary Walsh made a motion to approve this request as recommended by staff. Commission Member Julie Adams made the second. Approved 4-0.




Commission Member Jeremy White made a motion to adjourn, Commission Member Julie Adams made the second. Approved 4-0.

Meeting adjourned 7:52 pm

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