Downtown Development Authority Meeting Minutes




06:30 PM

Meeting Location:

City Hall Community Room

Agenda Files:

DDA Meeting Feb 23rd, 2016 Called to Order
Attendees: Marc Orcutt, Nick Thompson, Taylor Anderson, Brandon Hembree, Allen Jorgenson, Nancy Wren
City Staff: Paul Radford, Kaipo A, Robert, Troy Besseche, Megan Carnell, Lee Thompson
Guest: Elizabeth Orcutt, Stone Workman, John McDonald, Dorian McDonald,
I. Call to Order 6:34 pm
II. Approval of Agenda
a. Motion Nick Thompson, 2nd Allen Unanimous approval
III. Minuets
a. Motion: Nancy 2nd Nick Thompson unanimous vote
b. Approval of the Minuets of Feb 11th
IV. Action Items
a. Old Business
i. EpiCenter Update– Assistant City Mgr gives update on EpiCenter. Ground breaking tentative for March. Staging area also brought up as a concern for construction with First South.
ii. The Sevens Project-Stone Workman with JWM Ventures City Mgr giving update on development Agreement between DDA and JMW Ventures, new drawings presented of the development.
1. Purchase & Development Agreement: Marc makes a motion to approve MOU, Nancy 2nd Unanimous vote
iii. Sugar Hill Town Center update: City Manager gives an update on project that is now called the Sugar Hill Town Center project. Gives an update on Macauley and where they are with conception drawings, financing, and development agreement. City Lawyer goes over the MOU between the DDA and Macauley.
iv. Solomon Project: Assistant City Mgr gives an update as to where Davis Hunt was what the site is looking like.
v. Mural Discussion: Brandon update as to where the mural would be put and only likely building is the old city hall building, gives us an update on who is interested in doing the mural and will later update cost and drawings as to what the mural would look like.
vi. Suite Spot
1. SHBTG: Marc gave an update on Suite Spot with the Management report.
2. Improvement update: 80% through the update and completion date is tentative for March 1st.
b. New Business
i. Next DDA Cleanup: March 20th, 2016 2pm
ii. Downtown Mobility Plan: DDA Chairman is exploring brining in a consultant to start planning on traffic flow and how to get people around once the big projects are done in downtown. Kaipo gives a vision on how the consultant can help with the vision of what we could do as to reduce traffic or to increase foot traffic. DDA to use an RFP to ask for a consultant for mobility of traffic that doesn’t accede $15,000
iii. Advertising Discussion: Tabled to March Meeting Motion Brandon, 2nd Nick, Unanimous Vote
V. Staff Comments: Megan gives update of the concert series and the sponsor updates. Troy gives an update on construction of the Bowl.
VI. DDA Member/Officer Comments: DDA Very excited about projects upcoming
VII. Public Comments: No Public Comments, Motion to Adjourn by Nancy, 2nd Brandon Unanimous vote.
VIII. If Needed, Executive Session
IX. If needed, public action to be taken as a result of Executive Session

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