Meeting Minutes Youth Council




05:30 PM

Meeting Location:

Council Chamber

Agenda Files:

Sugar Hill Youth Council Meeting Minutes


January 20th, 2016

Call to Order:A quorum meeting of the Youth Council was held in The Council Chambers at the City of Sugar Hill City Hall on January 20th, 2015. The meeting convened at 5:06 PM, Youth Council Mayor Bryn Pugh presiding.


Members in Attendance: Bryn Pugh; Amber Nicholson; Taylor Morain; Roshni Patel; Kaan Cubukcu; Aysha Jerald; Shelby Borek.


Approval of Minutes: Amber Nicholson motions to change the closing date of the ice rink to February 15th, and Taylor Morain seconds. They respectively motion and second the newly revised minutes.


Council Reports: Taylor Morain notes that the Arts Commission is building a Bulldog and Longhorn to add to City Hall.


Aysha Jerald announced that the Players Guild recently received a donation from Quantum Bank. Several ways to become more involved with the Guild:

Guess Who Came To Dinner (Community Center): 2/13-2/15

May 6-8,13-15 Funny Money in the Bowl

Casino Night at City Hall: February 29th

They are planning on participating in Sugar Rush 2016.


Maker Faire:  There was a general logistical meeting about Maker Faire with the city and Lanier Students.


Tom Sheldon of the Sugar Hill Business Alliance: The SHBA is currently creating programs to give back to the community through hands on work. A teen mentorship program is in the works as well. They network and build relationship among business professionals

Membership to the SHBA: $50/business and $25/Nonprofit,Student, or Community Member


World Changers is a Christian organization looked to aid the less priviliged in the Sugar Hill Community.


February 6th is a DDA road cleanup at 2 PM

3 PM Ribbon cutting for a new Salon


Adjournment: Meeting was adjourned at 6:38 PM. Amber Nicholson motions, and Taylor Morain seconds.





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