Downtown Development Authority Meeting Minutes




06:30 PM

Meeting Location:

City Hall Community Room

Agenda Files:

Sugar Hill Downtown Development Authority DRAFT
Regular Called Meeting Minutes August 29th, 2017 | 6:30 PM
City of Sugar Hill City Hall – Community Room

Members Present: Allen Jorgensen, Marc Orcutt, Nancy Wren, Nic Greene, Nigel Gray, Taylor Anderson, Nick Thompson

Staff Present: Kaipo Awana, Paul Radford, Scott Andrews, Troy Besseche, Brandon Hembree, Tim Schick

Guests Present: Several members of the public were present including Jack Wolfe, Jay D. Liebrock, Ane Mulligan, Terry Mulligan, Fred St. Laurent, John Lane, Rosemary Walsh, Steve Watson.

  1. CALL TO   ORDER –  6:30
  2. APPROVAL OF   AGENDA – Motion to add item (Waiver of conflict of interest) under item V, A, 4, a, below) by motion Marc, 2nd Allen, approved via majority vote.
    1. Approval of the Minutes of July 25th, 2017 Regular Meeting – motion Brand, 2nd Nic Green, passed via vote
    1. Ann Mulligan with Players Guild – had some concerns regarding awareness of individuals wanting to be involved with the theater, who are not necessary of reputable character. A clarification was made that these persons spoke with Mayer and council but not with the DDA, and the conversation was not related to the operation of the theatre.
    1. Old Business
      1. Iconic Project (fka Icon/Seven) Update – Troy had a meeting with Mr. McDonald’s team. They looked at a change in number hotel rooms (now 165), some other scenarios were discussed. 142-174 (2024) was the daily rates and 60% – 70% occupancy. Troy mentioned that this figure is a bit low for our situation. This should hold up very well with our competitors. The conference center should work in our favor in order to achieve these numbers. The feasibility study shows that the project is feasible on the higher end of the market. We issued a 60-day notice to John at our July meeting so it is now 30-days to their deadline. We discussed a term sheet with John.
      2. ECenter Project (fka EpiCenter) – Kevin McOmber with CPL gave an update. Exterior finishes was added and a mockup built. No schedule impacts; finalizing the FFE package; finalizing a guaranteed maximum price for the job; crane on site, interior of theater structurally started, roofing underway. New 3-D modeling tool provided by the contractor.
        1. Question regarding the system that will be used to raise the curtains.
      3. Nexus at Sugar   Hill   Project (fka   Sugar   Hill   Town   Center) /   This is facility will be on the Buice School site; its will be a  mixed use facility, with town homes. It’s been thru design review with the city council and was approved; our participation will be with the parking deck and the hard scape; the project is moving along; we are expecting to close our portion by Nov 30th, and the rest (Town Homes) 6-months later. Mayor and council approved the plans. All parking be on Level Creek.
      4. Holbrook Project (fka Solomon) Update – Trailing the Dogwood forest. The cottages will play a better role than originally thought. The renderings will be available within a week; will need to go through design review.
        1. Action Item – waiver of conflict of interest. Earl asked if the DDA would waive the conflict of interest clause because since there is a specific situation where he was approached for advice on a separate matter. Fank did not see a conflict at the time of this meeting.
          1. Motion to accept the “Consent to Dual Representation and Waiver of Conflict of Interest”, moved my Marc, 2nd my Brandon, carried via vote.
        2. Dogwood Forest   Project Update – Design Review approved by city council; They have 3 term sheets that they are trying to complete. Bond issuing can be done within 60 days
        3. RaceTrac Project Update – 60%-70% complete, they are expected open in November. They are in conformance with all easement. Question whether they are going to dress up the retention pond? – Yes.
        4. Suite Spot
          1. SHBTG update – 19 Cohort therefore low numbers. Relocated premium areas to upstairs – 5 openings. 1 Tennant office will be available at end of the month. Next side of the building is primed for the mural. New fence installed around the AC unit. Business Alliance now meeting and the Suite spot. Women’s club moving over there as well. Art-B-Q was hosed there.
          2. Mural Fundraising Update – We are at 80% at this point. Artist is planning to be done by 21st of October (Sugar Rush).
        5. New Business
          1. Selection of Treasurer – Scott is moving on so we will need a new treasurer. Does not have to be a member the DDA
            1. Brandon – Nominated Jack Wolfe.
            2. Jack elected by majority vote. Jack gave a few comments.
          2. City of Sugar Hill Staff Comments
            1. Troy – CW Mathews will need another month at the Buice Center – recommend we send them another letter. Not sure we are recovering all our cost.
            2. Scott – Ben Folds this Saturday – still a few tickets available. We are looking at options for other venues due to weather concerns. Great community group meeting last evening. ACE expressed interest in coming to the Suite Spot.
            3. Kaipo – Draft market analysis among other documents on the Planning and Development website.
  • DDA Member/Officer comments
    1. Mark – Construction activity on West Broad, we need to have more oversight.
    2. Allen – Band playing at Sugar Rush
    3. Nick – Business Alliance meeting next week; BA had a great golf tournament.
    4. Brandon – Updated us on upcoming Players Guild Tour on October 24, it saw great participation last year – over 90 folks.; Cemetery – survey was completed, and we are moving to acquire the cemetery.
    5. Taylor – We have a city election this year. Early voting starts 10/16 here at City Hall – Election day is 11/7. Great complements and comments for Scott Andrews who is moving on, echoed by other members of the DDA.
    6. Budget Report – We are capping budget spending for this year. Be in thought for what we require budgetary for next year. Mayor and council will be building budget in September and approving it in December. We will have some discussions around these items in September.
    7. 2018 Budget Discussion – We should consider increasing the training budget for the upcoming year
  • Motion to enter executive section by Marc, 2nd Brandon, carried via vote.
  1. After return from Executive Session, motion to adjourn by Marc, 2nd Brandon.
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