Meeting Minutes Youth Council




05:30 PM

Meeting Location:

Council Chamber

Agenda Files:

City of Sugar Hill Youth Council Session

Wednesday, October 4th, 2017 5:30 P.M.

City Hall Council Chambers,

5039 West Broad Street

Sugar Hill, GA 30518


Members in Attendance: Spencer Grace Williams, Kaan Cubukcu, Ethan Shaw, Nida Merchant, Camryn Flores, Laura Ann Acker, Maya Chande, Camden Doker


Meeting called to order at 5:33 pm


Previous meeting’s minutes corrections:

  • “Sweet Spot” corrected to “Suite Spot”

Council Reports

  • Camryn, through the superintendent’s student advisory council, will be interviewing Lanier’s Principal and the District Superintendent with the end goal of a community service project.
  • Nida held the first Youth Ambassador’s meeting yesterday, October 3rd.


Youth Ambassador Updates

  • Ideas for the Sugar Rush city event:
    • Decorating Cookies
    • Photo booth ( ~?, already in place through the .gif booth )
    • Painting Pumpkins ( ~?, already happening but we could take over )
    • Decorating hygiene supplies (tissues, hand sanitizer) with positive messages (hospital involvement/donation?)
    • Youth Council / Youth Ambassador Promotion
  • Power Flower Project involvement
  • Sending out letters & personalized items to kids and families in need around the world
  • Going to elementary schools- library work, tutoring
  • College/Career fair

Overall, the meeting went well!


Educational Youth Group Meetings

  • Youth-led seminars/panels where we invite 8th graders or high schoolers about dressing professionally or how to interview, etc.
    • May involve companies or the city
  • Ideal scenario- first event sometime this year — early December
    • Need a slogan/brand name
    • Quick, monthly, ~elite?
    • Topic: Dressing for Success or Writing a Resume
    • Time frame – next week, nail down a date


Brainstorming – Increasing Youth Involvement

  • Next meeting, each member is to bring an idea so we do a calendar-setting work session
  • Goal is to have a list of events/commitments, the times and dates of the events, and the planning periods clearly defined.
  • Set into action a series of legacy projects that will move our community forward for a long time to come
  • Each member is to draft a google doc, as specific as possible, detailing their ideas for community service/ youth service projects by the next meeting
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