Arts Commission Meeting Minutes




06:00 PM

Meeting Location:

City Hall Art Gallery

Agenda Files:




Members in attendance were Chairman John Lane, Members Marc Cohen, Joyce Cutchins, Kerry Murphy, Terence Mulligan, staff liason Nicole Klein, and staff member Kaipo Awana


 APPROVAL OF AGENDA – Motion by Kerry Murphy, 2nd by Joyce Cutchins, All in favor

 APPROVAL OF MINUTES – Arts Commission Meeting September 29, 2016

Motion by Kerry Murphy, 2nd by John Lane, All in favor


A. Sugar Rush Recap

  1. Day of Dead Portraits
  2. Risers for Victoria’s dancers?
  3. Need more artist booths next year
    1. Need more volunteers
    2. Offer prize money

B. Artist of the Month – Zane Brock Recap

  1. About 30 attendees
  2. Checklist for selecting artists
  3. Application
  4. Onus on Artist to promote

C. Mural Update

  1. Time Lapse Images being taken
  2. Should be completed by end of November
  3. Would like to hold unveiling with Holiday Celebration

D.  Appoint New Arts Commissioners

  1. Posts Expiring – will be put on November Agenda

E.  Buskers

  1. Would be good for mural unveiling

F. Ice Rink

  1. Must act now if the Arts Commission wants to participate.
    1. Commission has decided to seek permission to affix an art show to the Epicenter construction fence in lieu of using the ice rink. Would like to reach out to art groups and utilize for the banners. Councilman Marc Cohen emailed Paul Radford for initial approval, will also need approval from the contractor. Hoping to be able to allocate $600 for this project
  2. Discussed the Aesthetic and Theme – “This is my Sugar Hill”
  3. Talked about painting being impossible due to having to be in the road to paint for an extended period of time
  4. Kerry Murphy to email image samples from banner show she saw in Atlanta.
  5. Will get together a letter of intent and target list for next meeting
  6. No corporate to avoid sign ordinance

G.  Oath of Office

  1. Need Oaths re-signed
  2. Signed at 6:56PM


A.  Artist of the Month

  1. New Artist?
  2. Review application form
  3. Looks Great, website ready, just specify .pdf or .jpg only

B.  Arts Commission Website Update

  1. Buy domain name
  2. Motion to approve up to $50 for domain name by Marc Cohen, 2nd by Terence Mulligan, All in favor
  3. Mural should be number one visual priority on new website
  4. Commission members to get Bios to John Lane to post on new website
  5. John Lane to take lead on website until others learn WordPress

C.  Piano Arrival 10/28

  1. Artios has agreed to paint
  2. Will use donated spray paint

D.  Painting Wall White

  1. Pick up paint, drop cloth, tape, brushes, rollers, and roller covers and approve funding
  2. Wall to be painted back tan
    1. Terrence Mulligan will match the color to purchase
  3. Schedule time and date for Arts Commissioners to complete.
    1. Nicole Klein will coordinate with Commission on dates and times.

E.  Partition

  1. Motion to approve up to $1400 on Second Partition by Marc Cohen, 2nd by John Lane, All in favor 7:21PM


  1. Reports/ announcements by Arts Commissioners.
  2. Joyce Cutchins distributed materials advertising upcoming Player’s Guild Shows

ADJOURNMENT Motion by Kerry Murphy, 2nd by March Cohen, All in favor 7:22 PM


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