City Managers Office, Management Reports|


This spring, the city will be initiating work on a plan for future phases of the Sugar Hill Greenway, including a feasibility analysis for crossing over Highway 20 and designing other improvements to pedestrian infrastructure and amenities along Highway 20. Under the Atlanta Regional Commission’s (ARC) Livable Center’s Initiative (LCI) program, the city will receive funding to hire a consultant team to assist with the project. Proposals were received from seven highly qualified firms (Alta Planning + Design, Kimley-Horn and Associates, Lose Design, McFarland-Dyer & Associates, Pond Co, The Collaborative, and Toole Design) and were reviewed by a four-person committee. Through that process, Toole Design emerged as the winning proposal. City staff will work with representatives from the Atlanta Regional Commission along with the consultant to execute the necessary contracts and kick the project off.

Eight single-family home permits were issued in the month of March, averaging 2,332 square feet. A commercial remodel permit was issued for a new chiropractor’s office, Clinica Pastor, in one of the suites at 1330 Peachtree Industrial Boulevard. A permit was also issued for Red Clay Interactive, to be in the E Center. Certificates of Occupancy have been issued for another Dunkin restaurant located at 220 Peachtree Industrial Boulevard and Legacy Academy located at 4536 Nelson Brogdon Boulevard.

Residential Permit Issued by Month with Year-to-Date Comparison

Residential Certificates of Occupancy Issued by Month with Year-to-Date Comparison

In the month of March, 222 building inspections were accomplished; a slight decrease from the 250 performed the previous March. Year-to-date 100 less inspections have been performed in 2020. A total of 322 zoning and property maintenance code inspections were carried out in March, nearly double of those performed in March of 2019. Year-to-date about 50 more code compliance inspections have been performed.


Parks.  Regular maintenance was completed throughout Gary Pirkle Park. The playground equipment was thoroughly cleaned and sanitized. Trimming of trees and shrubs were carried out throughout the park as well as applications of fresh mulch. Installation of new tile flooring began in the restroom facilities. Projects on the Community Garden continued with drainage and water repairs. Due to the pandemic and for the safety of our citizens and guests, the park remains closed to the public until further notice. The barn and parking lot of the Community Garden are closed as well; however, members can access their individual plots when needed following proper social distancing guidelines.

Downtown and City Hall. Weekly maintenance occurred through the downtown area. Staff is cleaning and sanitizing restrooms daily. Testing and repairs on the splash pad continue in preparation for the upcoming summer season. Staff has been working on a few beautification projects such as the clearing of weeds and fresh applications of mulch to all plant beds.

E Center. The E Center and gymnasium remain closed until further notice. Staff is taking this time to work on several projects. An application of fresh paint was added to the Waterfall Banquet room. A project began to stain and seal all flooring in the common areas and repairs to the water features were completed and they are now fully operational.

Golf.  March was another successful month for the course despite being closed for seven days due to inclement weather. The course was treated with appropriate seasonal applications and the greens are beginning to grow in nicely.  Although the course was closed for a short time due to the pandemic, city management re-evaluated the operations of the course, pro shop and grill, made changes to protect all guests and re-opened the course with strict safety guidelines in place. All guests are required to follow proper social distancing guidelines provided by the CDC when on the course and in the clubhouse. The grill is offering to-go orders only with limited food and beverage menu choices.


The Eagle Theatre remains closed to the public until further notice. March resulted in many events getting re-scheduled due to the pandemic. The Players Guild was ready to present Blithe Spirit and that production has now been re-scheduled to June. All March movies, including the Spring Break Bash weeks have been re-scheduled to new summer dates. Staff is tentatively rescheduling as many private rentals as possible to the months of June and July. The second concert of the series was announced and is scheduled for May 21st. Preservation Hall Jazz Band and Tank & the Bangas with Rebirth Brass Band is still on the calendar for that date; however, our management is working closely with the bands to reschedule if needed to protect the safety and health of our staff and guests. We continue to have wonderful feedback and collaboration with our partners, renters and team.

Staff continues to work diligently to create Facebook live events and provide resources for at-home activities. They are creating content to increase engagement with friends of our venues on social media to remain a source of positivity and encouragement. We are calling this campaign #SugarHillStaysHome and information can be found on both The Eagle website The Eagle At-Home Activities and The Bowl website The Bowl At-Home Activities. All content is unique to its page. The Economic Development team has been working closely with the Events team providing assistance with branding and communications for the program.

While The Eagle is closed to the public, staff is taking this time to perform maintenance projects in preparation for a busy summer and fall event season. We look forward to opening soon so we can get started on our exciting event season.

 April Re-scheduled/Cancelled Events

4/12                  Bowl Rental: SHC Easter Sunrise Service – Cancelled

4/13-18            Eagle Rental: On the Stage presents James & the Giant Peach Jr. – Rescheduled to 6/22-6/28

4/18                  Downtown Rental: Lanier Clusters Schools WOWEE 5k & MakerFest – Cancelled

4/20-27            Eagle Rental: Artios Academy – Rescheduled to 6/15-6/21

5/2                     Bowl Concert: Roots & Boots – Rescheduled to 10/3


Much of the month of March was invested in creating content and providing communications and resources relating to the COVID-19 pandemic to share with the public and business community. A Sugar Hill Business Resources guide detailing federal, state, and local resources for businesses was created and is now available on the city’s website. The document is regularly updated with new details on programs such as the Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) and the Payroll Protection Program (PPP). Staff worked collaboratively with the Events team to brand and advertise #SugarHillStaysHome programming to support community connections, even during this time of social isolation. Planning for big picture projects, such as redesign of the website and branding for the downtown SHINE district continues as well as ongoing communications such as the monthly Sugar Hill Snapshot, bi-weekly newsletters, social media posts and other communication content.

The 2020 Census officially began on April 1st and we want to make “Sugar Hill Count”! Community members are encouraged to complete the brief questionnaire online, in writing via mailed form or via telephone.


Gas Department.  The department now has 4,532 automatically read meters installed in the system, adding some 260 during the month of March.  In addition, a new meter was placed for the new Dunkin restaurant at the corner of Peachtree Industrial Boulevard and West Price Road.  Our utility locating staff completed locate services on 574 sites for the month and worked with our construction contractors in various sites around the city to protect our underground utilities.  All of our staff has been working through regulatory compliance tasks, new service installations, and 97 other service requests to round out the workload last month, including leak investigations, setting new meters, and other customer-driven requests. As a reminder, we are only performing pilot-lighting services in emergency situations.  Customers are encouraged to contact a mechanical or plumbing service technician to assist in routine matters.

Street & Stormwater Department.  Sidewalk repairs were completed in Laurel Park, Arbor Clos, Wild Timber, Hillcrest Drive, and Pine Acre Drive this month.  The stormwater staff repaired sinkholes at locations along Hillcrest Glen and on Sugar Creek Drive.  Yard debris collection resulted in 107 bags collected and 12 trips to the disposal site.  This service was suspended at the end of March and is expected to resume once we can determine a way to do so safely and efficiently.


E Center.   Red Clay Interactive, the marketing firm relocating from Buford, has started on their construction program on their new space in the E Center.    New floor finishes are being installed with demand being as light as it is for many of the common areas.

Sidewalks Projects – Whitehead and Suwanee Dam Roads. This project is substantially complete.  The punch list is pending completion of the re-inspection of both roads.

Sugar Hill Greenway.  The bid documents for the main portion of the greenway project are ready but are being held to allow for a more reliable schedule of staffing for distribution of plans.  The next segment along Peachtree Industrial Boulevard from E.E. Robinson Park to the county’s new park, a continuous segment of just less than a mile is part of a separate contract and is ready for a notice to proceed.

Veterans Memorial Relocation.  Surfaces Group has achieved substantial completion and is working through the punch list, water feature testing and training.  The final completion date is coming soon and will be followed by plans for a special Memorial Day unveiling and solemn occasion.

Bowl Improvements.   Artificial turf installation hit a snag as the logo section in the middle of section B, row 5 had to be reproduced, aligned with the fabric orientation.  The lighted handrails and a number of other lighting components are in progress.  The completion depends heavily on the supplier’s schedule—now significantly affected by the pandemic and availability of staff through the supply chain.  The permanent divider panels have been installed.  The contractor anticipates substantial completion this month.

Gary Pirkle Park Field Improvements.  The bid phase is in a holding pattern until we are able to reliably issue plan sets and provide necessary responses to prospective bidders.  The scope of work will include synthetic turf fields, new trail around the fields and relocated field lighting.

Art/History Room Buildout – Broadstone Project.  The design development stage is underway as the schematic phase has been completed.  The design team is working with the landlord on plan approval, electrical and mechanical load and design, and wall finishes during the landlord’s work portion of the scope.    This project is a part of the proposed 2020 budget and is expected to reach completion in late summer.

Level Creek/Alton Tucker Intersection Improvements and Road Extension.  The construction plans are at the 95% stage and staff considered a traffic control change prior to completing plans.  The project will connect West Broad with Highway 20 on the east side of the E Center gym.  Right-of-way acquisition will most likely affect the construction schedule for this project.

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