Project Updates, Public Works|

Sugar Hill Greenway Work on stabilizing the slopes on either side of the trail continues. The County has completed their work on one short section of a new sewer line that conflicts with a section of trail boardwalk. Work has now begun on this last boardwalk section. The boardwalk railings are being installed now. When complete, the entire 4.7 miles of phase 1 will be ready to enjoy.

Gold Mine Park. Tri Scapes, our contractor, has completed the pavement portion of the park, the restroom building, the dumpster enclosure and lot striping. The pedestrian crossing lights are working on Level Creek Road. Timber bollards have been installed along the drive and an observation deck will be installed near the entrance to the mine.

Ridge Lake Park. The construction has begun for the new park that will be on the 22 acres the city owns off Highway 20. Consisting of a parking area, rest room building with covered seating area, a dog park, pond improvements and trails; it will be the newest place to relax and unwind. Groundbreaking was held on November 29th. Many of the amenities in the park were suggested by the public during open houses that we held in 2017 and 2018.

Gary Pirkle Park Restroom Building. Design stage is complete and the project advertised for bid to complete construction on a restroom building to serve the new fields on the South side of the park. They will incorporate 7 unisex stalls and a water bottle filling station.

Bowl Pond Improvements.         Intended to make this amenity more stable and usable, these improvements include replacing the failed outlet that regulates pond water level and prevents flooding, a new pavilion area for events, congregating or just relaxing. It will also have a new parking area that will serve as a load in area for concerts and performances.

Construction has begun. Fencing and screening has been installed around the pond area. Lining of the pipe connecting to the stormwater system has begun. Earth work will follow shortly thereafter. When work on the pond commences, our partner, Barnsley Construction Group, will ensure that impacts to the flora and fauna are minimized to the greatest extent practical.

Alton Tucker Blvd Extension.     The survey work is complete and design work is well underway for an extension of Alton Tucker Blvd. This project will improve the intersection of Level Creek Rd and West Broad Street, as well as extending Alton Tucker to Highway 20 at the east end of the E Center property. When design work is complete, we will then advertise for a construction partner.

Sycamore Sidewalks.     Work has begun on a project to connect two sections of sidewalk on Sycamore Rd near EM Croy.  This project is funded by the city-county joint transportation category in the 2017 SPLOST program.

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