Project Updates, Public Works|

Sugar Hill Greenway.  Work is converging on a completion point on the Whitehead Road portion of the greenway.  A drainage structure still needs to be installed along with backfilling as well as grassing and cleanup before this segment is complete.  The Peachtree Industrial segment is still at the 80% point with a retaining wall portion (and guardrail relocation) needed to substantially complete this very important trail connection.   The plans for the balance of Phase 1 has been approved for construction and the notice to proceed is set for September 24.  This project is funded through a combination of city and county SPLOST funds by way of an intergovernmental agreement.

COVID-19 / City Hall Transaction Windows.  The ADA counter (right side window) at the Post Office required specialty hardware that has delayed installation.  The glass will need to be replaced to better fit the space and hardward installed before this location can be completed.  In addition, new lobby improvements (transaction window) at the Planning & Development office are in final design as well.  




EE Robinson tie-in (new park looking South)                                                                                                             Sugar Hill Greenway – Phase 1B (PIB Portion)

 Gary Pirkle Park Field Expansion.  

Project limits have been cleared, gearing up for the earthwork stage of construction.

Art/History Room Buildout at Broadstone.  Contract award expected 9/14/2020.

Gold Mine Park.  Project is ready for the bid phase.

Level Creek / Alton Tucker. Right-of-way acquisition is underway and will parallel the final construction and bid documents phase.

Sweet City (22Ac.) Park.  Project is beginning the design phase.

Stormwater Pipe Lining Projects.  Work is gearing up to line several stormwater pipes in need of repair.  The proposed trenchless method is a cured-in-place-pipe (CIPP) system that seals and structurally supports the conduit using the older, metal pipe as the formwork for the liner.  Work totaling some 470 linear feet of pipe is proposed during this project cycle on the following roads:

Shelley Lane
Allison Drive
White Oak Drive



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